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Institut Universitaire de Technologie | Università di Corsica
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Statistical Physics & Machine learning back together again

By L.Krzakala

The past decade brought a revolution to machine learning: algorithms are now able to deal with tasks and amounts of data that seemed to be science fiction only a decade ago. The statistical physics community and the machine learning ones were connected and indeed many concepts and algorithms of machine learning have roots in physics. It is time to revive and strengthen this connection.
The program will concentrate on theoretical aspect of machine learning and high-dimensional statistics, and their deep link with physics, as well as the direct applications of machine learning techniques in physics, for instance for sampling and generative problems.

More information on https://cargese2023.github.io/

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DOMINIQUE DONZELLA | Mise à jour le 21/02/2023

Du mardi 01 août 2023 au vendredi 11 août 2023