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Fluids and Health 2019: The fluid dynamics of disease transmission

Conférence Scientifique organisée à l'IES Cargèse par Lydia Bourouiba, MIT à Cambridge

"This summer school aims at providing participants a training of high level on the fundamental processes and recent theoretical and methodological advances in the study of interfacial and complex flows as they pertain for various applications relevant for health and environmental contamination. The objective of these studies is the development of mitigation techniques and technologies for the  protection against and management of infection outbreaks in human and animal populations and in food safety."

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DOMINIQUE DONZELLA | Mise à jour le 22/07/2019

Du mardi 23 juillet 2019 à 08h30 au vendredi 02 août 2019 à 17h00

Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques, Cargèse, Cargèse