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Newsletter Janvier 2017 : les voeux de la Direction

La newsletter n°8 est en ligne : retrouvez les vœux de la Direction Opérationnelle Permanente pour 2017 aux membres du RETI.

A happy new year to all RETI members ! Pace è salute à tutti per l'annu novu !

 Following the season greetings of RETI President Clive Mulholland from UHI, we are pleased to wish everyone of you a happy new year, with good health and good work.
2016 has been an interesting and important year for RETI. Our network now features a new President, Prof. Clive Mulholland, a new Director, Mathieu Graziani and a new member, Memorial University of Newfoundland. Those decisions were explicited during the 7th Governance Committee held in Corsica in September 2016, among other resolutions as stated in the account of the last Committee.

In November 2016 RETI and the University of Malta organized in Valletta a Symposium about Island Tourism. The event was a success with several member delegations and especially students who all did a great job. It also was the opportunity to have a work meeting with our colleagues from the University of the Ryukyus in Okinawa who will host the next RETI event in November 2017.

So 2017 will be a exciting and challenging year for RETI with the Okinawa event in November, 17-21. Here’s a brief summary of the research themes proposed :
- Island Economy and Its Sustainability
- Relationship with Externalities: "Mainlands", "Great Powers", and Other Islands
- Islanders and the Power of Local Communities
- Diversity in Island Perspective: Culture, Nature, Language, Gender and Society
More info will come up soon, as long as a new version of the RETI website and other news.
Best wishes !
RETI Director

Newsletter January 2017 : wishes from the Executive Direction


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| Mise à jour le 23/02/2017

Mardi 03 janvier 2017