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A majority of University Institute of Technology?Corsica curriculum can be followed under apprenticeship frameworks

What is an apprenticeship agreement?

The apprenticeship agreement is a work contract signed between an employer and an employee for the purpose of enabling young workers with general, theoretical and practical training with a view to obtaining a vocational qualification backed up by a professional or technological diploma. Apprenticeship agreements are based on the principle of alternating between general, technological and professional training and periods on-the-job learning to apply their know-how.

The apprenticeship framework is open to young workers aged 16–25. Apprenticeship agreements are a special-purpose work contract where the contract term depends on the profession or qualification the student is working towards. The duration of the contract varies from 1 to 3 years but may be adjusted depending on where the apprentice starts from.

Apprentices work the same hours as any other employee at the company, counting time spent at the apprentice training centre. The apprenticeship framework does not extend to part-time employment.

What is a vocational qualification agreement?

The vocational qualification agreement is aimed at all young people between the ages of 16 and 25 inclusive, job seekers aged 26 years and over, and people on certain contracts or state benefits.

Its objective is to allow employees to acquire a professional qualification and to facilitate into-work or back-to-work integration. Beneficiaries aged 16 to 25 inclusive are paid a percentage of the minimum wage according to their age and their level of training, while over-26 employees receive a wage not be less than the minimum wage and not less than 85% of the minimum set by branch agreement.
The contract entitles employers to an exemption from social security contributions
on certain contracts and within certain limits.