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DUT [university technical diploma]: Biological Engineering

“The DUT Biological Engineering is a 2-year associate degree designed to train up technicians experientially-skilled in cutting-edge food-industry or environmental science methods and techniques”

IAB major (biotech and food-farming industries) 
This major proposes cross-curricular training in the key sciences, industrial and food engineering, and the disciplines umbrellaed under local adaptation to a social and economic environment. 

Students will need to acquire and assimilate fundamental theory and technical practice specific to chemical, biochemical and microbiological analysis in biotech and food-industry engineering, as a stepping stone into work designing and developing unit operation or quality control processes in the food–farming industry. 

GE major (environmental engineering) 
This scientific course is designed to enable students to acquire a panel of competencies in a broad-reaching range of disciplines: biology and physical chemistry of environmental compartments (air–ground–water pollution, waste management), analysis of living systems and their interactions with biotic or abiotic surroundings (urban–industrial–rural ecosystems), understanding and management of natural environments, water quality management, waste management (reuse, recycling, recovery), technical mastery of water, air and soil sample analysis, operational design of wastewater treatment plants.
The syllabus split is two thirds practical workshops (in-lab or in-field) and seminars/tutorials. 
Students get to work with the same kind of top-notch analytical tools they will find in the workplace.
Modular course curriculum


DUT [university technical diploma]: Sustainable Civil Engineering and Construction

The primary objective of this 2-year associate degree is to train advanced technicians and senior specialists in construction and public procurement projects ready to practice in a huge array of activity sectors (from project sites to test labs and back to design offices).

This university technical diploma proposes a core curriculum that leads into a final-semester specialization opening into construction and public procurement careers.
Students opt for modules shaped to fit their career future — whether pursing into postgraduate education or preparing to enter the job market.

The syllabus follows three core strands:
- a science strand (maths, strength of materials, structural stability, fluid mechanics, electricity, thermal engineering);
- a technology strand (construction, materials, CAD, topography, organization)
- a communication strand (expression, communication, languages, IT).

Students gain exposure to the professional environment via two internships (2 and 8 weeks), the personal and professional career plan (PPP), and a final-year project.


DUT [university technical diploma]: Business and Administrative Management

“The DUT Business and Administrative Management was the very first faculty created at the University Institute of Technology?Corsica back in 1983, and has since grown in stature to achieve national renown. Building and learning along the way, the University Institute of Technology?Corsica’s Business and Administrative Management faculty offers a total education experience where theory dovetails with practice in every domain of organizational management (accounting, financial control, taxation, managerial competency, business and trade, legal affairs,, logistics, and more). This versatile syllabus opens into apprenticeship schemes with real pull for employers, enabling students to make the transition to work as soon as they graduate or press ahead with study branching out into a number of course options. The faculty watchwords are know your field, know your job, know your role "

The diploma course proposes two second-year majors:
Business & Administrative Management majoring in Organizational Management
- Assume responsibility for day-to-day organizational running of logistics and sales, legal and taxation, accounts and financials.
- Collect, compact and co-opt informational input for decision-making. 
- Detect and diagnose organizational dysfunction by improving information systems and negotiating with stakeholders.

Business & Administrative Management majoring in Accounts and Financials Management  
- Gain firm command of accounting, financial and budget planning methods, techniques and procedures. 
- Pro-actively participate in setting up accounting, finance and economics information systems. 
- Pro-actively participate in developing and tracking economics and financials decision-making tools.

Supervised projects and Internships

Second-year students majoring in Accounts and Financials Management complete a supervised project during the year.
The supervised project is designed to cement the resourcefulness of team-networked students — one, by demonstrating the value of their knowledge and competencies, and two, by unleashing their creativity to design and deploy a professional project.

The supervised project is drafted into a report and defended in front of a jury. The report must be handed to the faculty secretariat at least 5 days ahead of the oral. The oral is a 20-minute presentation that may lead into a series of questions.

- a 3-week work placement in year one (introduction to business)
- an 8-week work placement in year two (a business mission to complete)


DUT [university technical diploma]: Multimedia and Internet Technology

“MIT gives students design and development training focused not just on products but also on communication services. MIT graduates thus leave with exactly the kind of vocationally-oriented double-degree skills that businesses are looking for”.

University Institute of Technology?Corsica graduates in Multimedia and Internet Technology acquire a versatile cycle-long skillset enabling them to work from content design through to product/service engineering and on to product/service marketing and organization-wide deployment.

People with this kind of skillset are called to make contributions at various stages of multimedia and audiovisual project design and development, but also to hold project interface and project coordinator positions.

A supervised project is a core requisite to get the degree.
This work-integrated agency-based project (led by groups of 5–7 students supervised by tutors, professors and professionals) can take multiple forms — an original creation, a deliverable, a service, a project, a case study, investigative research, a dissertation... whatever fits the bill.

DUT [university technical diploma]: Marketing Techniques

“Marketing techniques” (which we call Tech de Co) is a university technical diploma that proposes dual-focus classes on legal and economic landscapes, accounting, market engineering, logistics, business control, statistics, languages, communication, sales, office automation and information technology, bargaining skills, expression, and more.
This multi-skill programme is built around two core strands: MANAGEMENT and SALES

The programme’s multi-skilled graduates are versatile enough to take on practically any business and sales role. The programme works hard on developing resourcefulness and initiative, work capability, and communication skills.
The Tech de Co graduate is ideally-placed to join any organization that mobilizes marketing techniques, from industry and commerce to service providers, banks and administrations and back to mass retail...

Produced in year-two within the work-integrated applied learning framework. 
Students, under the guidance of the educational leadership teams, engage in missions spanning a potentially huge spectrum — from market research to direct marketing campaigns, one-to-one marketing, organizing sales events or humanitarian aid fundraisers.

The student’s schooling will feature a total of ten weeks on work placement: 

2 weeks in year 1 

8 weeks in year 2

These work-placement internships steadily build the student’s operational employability as they learn to get to grips with the real-world workplace.

DUT [university technical diploma]: Health–Safety–Environment

The University Institute of Technology?Corsica HSE faculty delivers a DUT [university technical diploma] in HSE after four semesters of college prep. This diploma opens a path into occupations tied to life safety at work, population safety, environmental protection and risk management (natural risk, industrial risk, and so on).
The programme is designed to train up technicians capable of identifying hazards, assessing the risks, proposing solutions to decision-makers and implementing the measures adopted. The trained technician’s role will be as an advisor — with the leadership skills to educate, train and convince.

The DUT HSE is open to young undergraduates as initial curriculum. The jury team sits professionals alongside tutors to selects candidates based on their application submission along with school grades and track record.
The training programme is also open under apprenticeship schemes starting in year two.
Educational resources:
tutors with a strong foothold in the professional sphere,
professional-sphere contributors,
partnerships with local businesses and organizations,
instructional content and equipment facilities,
students are custom-coached.
 Supervised projects:

Students working in small groups lead a HSE-related study.
The objective of these supervised projects is real-life problem-based learning — to get students to work on real-world cases by applying training-critical scientific, technical, legal and human-ergonomic learnings.
Personal and professional career plan:
The objective here is to find the best possible fit between the students’ own skills and the grass-roots reality of HSE careers.
Alternative learning:
Acquire deeper learning through mentorship, computer-based communication techniques, and self-initiated assignments.