First created back in 1983 with just one department counting forty-odd students, the University Institute of Technology of Corsica today offers a diversified programme of vocational courses spanning business management, entrepreneurship, marketing techniques, information and communications technology, audiovisual engineering, applied food-industry biology, applied environmental biology, health and safety, civil engineering, water resource engineering, and renewable energy engineering. Through partnerships forged with universities in other countries and continents, the University Institute of Technology of Corsica also offers a University Degree in International Technological Studies.
Now counting six faculties, eleven national professional-vocational bachelor's degrees and two University Degrees, intake at the University Institute of Technology of Corsica is approaching 600 students every year.
Our goal is to rise to become a flagship centre of excellence in school-to-work transition. To get there, we offer a professional competence graduation curriculum that gives academic credit for structured job-readiness (under central schooling, sandwich courses and continuing professional education) purpose-geared to the needs and expectations of local enterprise and institution-layer structures.
Driven by tight-knit team of tutors and administrative back-up subserving student support and supervision, we are firmly committed to providing new literacies and datagogies to keep pace with emerging bright-outlook occupations and our fast-changing social-economic fabric.
The University Institute of Technology of Corsica is proud to offer brand new campus facilities purpose-designed to deliver a total learning experience. By signing up to the friendly yet hard-working University Institute of Technology of Corsica, you will get the keys to a skills gateway into swift school-to-work transition with the added opportunity to purse into higher education along a personalized training path.